40530A-AD 30 Micron 1″ Flow Phase Separation Filter For Ethanol Blends


Packaged 12 Per Case

Volume Pricing
Quantity Price
0-11 $15.83 each
12-47 $14.87 each
48-* $14.39 each



PetroClear® models 40510A and 40530A are spin-on filters designed to remove particulate, detect and stop flow of phase separation (Ethanol water) in Ethanol blended fuels.

The “Alert” models 40510A and 40530A are designed to remove particulate and to detect and react to phase separation in Ethanol blended gasoline and slow flow as an indicator to the presence of phase separation. IT WILL NOT SENSE NOR REACT TO WATER IN NON-ALCOHOL BLENDED GASOLINE (NEAT GASOLINE).

PetroClear® model 40510A filter offers efficient 10 micron (nominal) particulate removal and detects phase separation.

PetroClear® model 40530A filter offers efficient 30 micron (nominal) particulate removal and detects phase separation.

Textured paint coating helps ensure a simple, mess-free installation and removal process.

UL® recognized



The PetroClear® model 40510A utilizes a 10 micron (nominal) cellulose media to remove particulate from Ethanol blended gasoline. Removes particulate 10 microns (nominal) or larger.

The PetroClear® model 40530A utilizes a 30 micron (nominal) cellulose media to remove particulate from Ethanol blended gasoline. Removes particulate 30 microns (nominal) or larger.

The “Alert” models 40510A and 40530A are designed to detect and react to phase separation in Ethanol blended gasoline.

The maximum flow rate for PetroClear® models 40510A and 40530A is 25 gpm (94.6 lpm). Maximum operating pressure is 50 psid (3.4 bar). Collapse pressure is 150 psid (10.3 bar). Maximum operating temperature is 250°F (139°C).

The chemical center core assembly detects and reacts to phase separation and significantly restricts flow through filters.

PetroClear® models 40510A and 40530A utilize a standard 1″-12 UNF mounting thread ref. (3/4″ ow) required for most spin-on filter adapters used in aftermarket.

Adapters are available for models 40510A and 40530A in aluminum and cast iron. These single adapters are available in both 3/4″ and 1″ NPT or BSP inlet/outlet threads

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Additional information

Weight .5 lbs
Dimensions 3.7 × 3.7 × 5.36 in